There are many reasons why you need a Digital Vault. Here are 3 important ones.
Gone are the days of storing your insurance policies, medical details or power of attorney in a filing cabinet in the garage, or old shoe-box under the bed. Physical methods of storing crucial life information have quickly become outdated.
When we talk about a Digital Vault, we're really talking about getting your life affairs in order (in a physical sense of course). Life Management is key, and as human beings, it's only when the need arises (which is often too late) that we wish we knew where those medical directives were, or mortgage papers or the credentials needed to access our digital accounts.
The necessity comes not only in the form of convenience however, it is the security in knowing that our sensitive information can be organised and accessible through our devices and from anywhere in the world. This is particularly important when it comes to unexpected events such as an accident or death, that requires our loved ones to access our personal information urgently.
However, just in case you weren't already convinced, here are three compelling reasons as to why you should organise your life information using a secure Digital Vault like LifeReady.
(1) Free up your time, when it matters.
Whether you're an individual or an organisation, time is of the essence. We all need to find ways in which to use our time more effectively and find streamlined and efficient ways in which we can share and access important information.
For example, imagine being an Executor who has to spend several hours locating personal information not stored in a Digital Vault (i.e. in scattered amongst several physical locations) as compared to being able to access the required details in less than an hour. Time and money saved.
In fact, one of the ways in which we severely waste our time is looking for personal information. This can be especially difficult when the unexpected happens, and our loved ones are forced to spend hours looking for documents to fulfil end-of-life wishes and find out other crucial information, such as mortgages, insurance policies and medical records.
Spending time to digitise your documents, and upload them onto a secure platform like LifeReady can ensure that your documents are in one secure place, and ready to be accessed when needed. Save time by logging on to one portal (from anywhere in the world), rather than spending several hours searching for physical documents.
(2) Know where is everything.
An average family has the following information that is part of their daily life management: mortgage documents, family medical records, insurance policies, motor vehicle registration, Netflix passwords, social media information, education information and so forth. If we then add to this, business documents, numerous bank accounts, trust deeds, wills and power of attorney documents, we're dealing with a complex array of crucial information that could be needed at any time.
If we then extend this to organisations, who are often geographically dispersed and have many different teams and departments, then the issues become quite frustrating when we do not know where important information is located.
By digitising your documents, you know where all your information is. Simple.
(3) Securely share your information with loved ones and trusted advisors.
Digitising documents help you to easily and securely share important information with loved ones or trusted advisors. Using a platform such as LifeReady, that is built on maximum security client-side encryption allows you to share sensitive information in a way that is much more efficient and secure than email or passing on physical documents.
Although email is used by 76% of the population as a primary communication method, there can be many risks with this (Read about Andrews Story). Key-sharing or uploading documents onto a secure portal like the LifeReady Digital Vault, allows you to share selected information with trusted advisors, easily and efficiently (and without the risk of data breach or third-party interference).
Furthermore, you are able to know who has access to your private information at all times.
Convinced? We thought so.
If you would like to learn more about how LifeReady can help you organise, store and share your important life information, or to try out our platform contact us here:
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