Why planning ahead funeral services can bring comfort to your family

Think about the most memorable funerals you’ve attended. What made them meaningful? Did they bring comfort to the family? Also, think about your own personal style.  Keep these things in mind as you decide the details of the service.

  • Organ Donation
  • Burial or Cremation
  • Memorial service location
  • Will you want your body to be present at your funeral? If so, should the casket be open or closed?
  • Religious guidelines should be made clear.
  • Officiated by a religious leader or someone else? If there are certain passages of scripture or other writings you want read, note them — you can even designate who you would like to read each piece.
  • Who would deliver your eulogy?
  • Where will your remains be placed?
  • Unique elements you want included in the services, whether it’s a favourite colour, hobby, sports team, school, or other interest.
  • Floral arrangements and memorial displays—like a photo board or a video
  • Songs or hymns you want played.
  • Who should be notified?
  • Name(s) of those who you wish to make your arrangements.
  • Post funeral reception preferences.

Next Steps:

  • Create your funeral plan by accessing the Funeral Preference’s template in End-of-Life Planning in your LifeReady vault.
  • Invite the Trusted Parties with whom you wish to share this information to your LifeReady Vault.

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